How to Delete all liked videos on YouTube android


How to Delete liked videos on YouTube android 

Delete liked videos 

Well come to our blog thanks for visiting this is very helpful and knowledgeable blog post about how to Delete liked videos on YouTube android at once without wasting time here I tell you how you Delete your like videos one by one if you know how to Delete all liked videos at once soon I tell you about this so here I tells you how to Delete one by one 

Delete liked videos step by step 

Let's start when you open your YouTube and watch different videos and like different videos all this liked added to your accent and at last your mobile slows down hang on because of lot of liked videos in your account and consequently not possible to like more video unit you Delete previous.

Simple process 

So here is procedure to Delete liked videos first you open your YouTube app here you see behind lower right corner of YouTube app a option of library you click on library when you click on library a new page is opened here you see different options and one of option is like videos here all liked videos are present. Click on liked videos here when you click on liked videos a new page is opened and you see all list of your liked videos and in front of each video You see three dot clik on three dot when here you click on three dot a new page is opened here you see a option of remove like videos clik on remove like video. When you click on remove like video your video is deleted at once. 

In similar way you clik on three dot then click on remove like video so your video Delete one by one in this you Delete your videos one by one 

I hope you understand my way of explaining now go to your YouTube app and Delete all liked videos and pray for me Allah is greatest 

Thanks for reading.


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